Posted On: Jun 17, 2020
Posted By: John Duff

Email marketing list management process is challenging for any organization, but without that, your campaign would derail from the track.

As per a report, almost 87% of the marketers aim to increase their spending on email marketing.

Campaign Monitor

This is a massive investment!!!!

They understand the importance of email marketing, but with that, one should know how to manage it.

As a marketer, grab the opportunity and execute the right email practices for preventing the soft bounces, hard bounces, and improving the open and conversion rate. This would increase the engagement level with the subscribers, necessary for the process.

So, how do you plan the right email marketing process?
Email Marketing Process


It’s as simple follow specific practices and plans the right strategy from your years of learning!!!

We have chalked out some of the key takeaways that would help your organization implement the right email marketing management tactics and improve the credibility of the service.

You can whisk through some of the relevant suggestion for the growth of your organization:

Maintaining the hygiene of the list: Maintaining the email list hygiene is crucial as outdated details could increase the frequency of both hard and soft bounces.

Do you know, why?

  • 40% of the email users change their email address once in every two year.
  • The annual decay rate of around 54% of data could cost your organization million dollars!!!! –io

As a marketer, you would never want this to happen. So, eradicate the obsolete and invalid email marketing lists and save your time. Email list management practice also helps to avoid the spam folders, and create the suppression list for maintaining a trustworthy sender reputation.

The outcome?

You would reap a better conversion rate.

1.   Welcome Email:

Welcome email is the routine email send to the customer when they sign up for your service, and accept to receive the emails from your organization. This email is a good way to reach out to all the new subscribers and convey them the right information about what to expect from the upcoming emails.

As these emails act like brand ambassadors for your organization, you have to be very professional and engaging while developing these emails.

Add the special touch to the email, even though it is automated, the subscriber should sense the personalization in it!!!

These emails help to maintain the right relationship with the customer.

2.   Emails Sent at the Right Interval:

Don’t you get irritated if you eat the same food every day?

The same way, if you send the same email to the customer, they would get irritated at some point of time and spam your email.

So, accordingly plan your email campaign with the unique content and reach the hearts and minds of the recipient. A right strategy of sending the email at planned intervals can be one of your best tactics to win the trust of your customer.

Understanding the scenario from the customer’s point of view, broadens your approach and the thinking process. Email management practice is all about taking the process in a gregarious fashion so you could reach an extensive audience in the market the right way.

You could also give your subscriber the option to manage email preferences, and let them choose the type of content they expect from the organization. Many customers like this approach as it empowers them with control over the email sent by your brand. So, this is a win-win scenario for you and the subscriber.

3. Crafting a People-Centric Email:

A people-centric email should be the goal of any organization. Every person is different, so as a marketer you need to send a personalized email to each of them.

How do you do this?

You can apply a separate label to each recipient while segmenting people to send different emails. This helps to send the right missive to the right recipient and that too at the right time.

This practice helps to manage the email subscribers list that would be eagerly waiting for your next email.

4. Quality Email over Quantity Email:

We all come across this option quality or quantity. Many marketers have the belief a lot number of emails would connect them to a greater audience, but in reality it does not work. The readers would not read the emails, if it is not of quality, irrespective of sending emails at planned intervals.

The content of the email should weave a web of magic on the reader and win their trust!!!

And, this could only happen when you craft high-quality emails to grab their attention and compel them to read the entire email. A quality email also helps to build the right email marketing management practice, as you could find the subscribers who are really interested in your content.

5. Eradicating the Unengaged Subscribers:

Many subscribers are not actively engaged with your content. After accepting to receive emails from your brand, they have somewhat switched off emotionally, and are least bothered to open and read your email, whenever you send any campaign. In such cases, it can affect the performance of your email campaign, as you include them in the number of recipients not opening your email. You need to eradicate these subscribers from your email marketing list!!!

But before that for the last time send them the re-engagement email campaign, wake them from hibernation and ask them whether they wish to receive emails from your organization in the future. The crux of the matter is a high number of unengaged subscribers in your email list could demotivate you. So, it is better you find out who have been inactive for a good 6-12 months and remove them from the list.

6. A Crucial Opt-Out Option:

An opt-out option is one of the necessary email marketing management best practices that could make your brand a highly trustworthy one.

You should understand it is not beneficial to hold on to a subscriber who wishes to opt-out.

They would simply add your email address to the spam folder, which is the last thing you would ever wish for.

Make it easy for them by inserting the opt-out button at the end of the email. This way the subscriber would notice the option, and whenever they wish for, they can unsubscribe easily.

Wrap up:

Email marketing management is the necessary practice need to be followed in the organization. Without a proper email strategy and planning, marketers cannot generate the right business results. The above blog helps you in some of the established and proven practices that can help you in the same, and move you closer to the success with a better relationship with customer.