You check emails on mobiles. You make purchases via mobiles, and you read blogs on mobiles. Mobiles are everywhere! Talk about the one thing you find challenging to live a day without and of course, the word ‘Mobile’ will never miss popping-up in your head.
Today, smartphones have brought a huge shift in the ways people consume and respond to content. This extreme change has made it requisite for businesses to consider mobile devices for targeting their prospects.
However, now paying attention to mobile marketing is not limited to optimizing websites, increasing page-loading speed, or removing unwanted ads. It has gone more than that.
So, what will be the future of Mobile Marketing? How can you adapt the mobile-transformations to maximize ROI? Here’s what you need to know:
Table of Contents
1. Video Ads in Search Results
Google has already started testing videos in search results. These video-based ads are the excellent way to engage with customers via YouTube and other video partner sites.
The good thing about these video ads is that you can choose to whom you want to show these ads. This will make marketing more targeted. Also, you will have to pay only when your selected audience will play those ads which in turn will minimize budget-impact.
(Source: Google AdWords)
Thus, focus on creating Google AdWords video ad campaign that is mobile friendly. Choose the right keywords, the right type of ad, and make it short so that it can entice your smartphone users well. This can be a great new weapon for B2B marketers to entice more audience and maximize their revenue.
2. Mobile Will Be the Local Guide
Did you know that 30% of all mobile searches are related to location?
As per the data driven by Think with Google,
“76% of people who searched on their smartphones for something nearby visit a business within a day.”
This shows that mobile devices are not a medium just to make online purchases. They can do more than that. They can bring your customers right at your doorsteps.
So, pay attention to location-based searches when doing mobile marketing. One great way can be to try running campaigns and doing promotions around the locations of your competitors.
3. Be Careful About the Mobile Apps
The numbers of mobile apps launched has been increasing with every day. Mobile users can download any app anywhere.
However, there is a great misbalance between the number of launched and downloaded apps.
The reason behind is, consumers are more likely to download and use an app which they know and trust.
Building trust in the targeted prospects should be the primary concern of marketers looking for successful mobile marketing. Instead of focusing on getting more app-users, marketers should work towards providing the exceptional user experience. A great UX takes all –
- Engaging content pieces
- App design
- Appealing images
- Clear CTA
- Animation
Also Read: Identify the Key Mobile Customer Behavior to Deliver Better Experiences
4. SMS Marketing
Smartphones have already become a widely used platform to interact with the targeted audiences. And now, they are heading towards becoming a medium of doing marketing via messages.
However, many marketers do not realize the potential of the messaging apps in engaging a prospect.
Millions of users are using various mobile messaging apps. Facebook Messenger, Apple’s messenger, and WhatsApp are a few to name. Thus, it could be an interactive way to use these apps for connecting with consumers.
Here are a few points to remember when running an SMS marketing campaign:
- Segment and target the audience
- Include clear, appealing, and genuine calls-to-action
- Pay attention to timing before soliciting