Posted On: Jan 20, 2016
Posted By: John Duff

No doubt, advertising is very effective medium, but over the time, it tends to get expensive. In the mortgage lending and refinance sector, it is very important to advertise to those customers who qualify to all various mortgage products. Perhaps, through a perfect mortgage mailing list you can reach customers who have met all your criteria.

The biggest advantage of a mortgage mailing list is; it can restructure your marketing efforts by helping you reduce the number of unqualified consumers. Through this, a company’s marketing campaign is supported tremendously with targeted mortgage mailing lists.

There are many types of mortgage mailing lists that is available; here is a list of two most important types of mortgage mailing lists.

1. Credit Mailing Lists

Mortgage companies can benefit themselves from credit mailing lists, where the customer’s credit information figured out from major credit bureaus. This mailing list includes information like amount of debt, details of customers’ residence and actual credit score.

This information can help mortgage companies know who deserves to be the part of their products and services and who does not. Moreover, this can be a major time saver for all the mortgage companies.

2. Adjustable Rate Mortgage

Another type of mortgage mailing list database is ARM or adjustable rate mortgage mailing list. In this, the company includes names of those individuals who bought mortgage for real estate purposes. In fact, those with ARMs usually look to refinance to a fixed rate mortgage so that they can keep their payments at the lowest cost possible.

You can also opt for mortgage mailing lists that mainly target customers who are first time homebuyers, homeowners who have filed bankruptcy, owners who have taken mortgages for the second time and so on.

In the world of advertising, mortgage-mailing lists is considered as one of the best tools available. These mortgage mailing lists help in cutting down the time and money spent on contacting dead-end prospects. So considering it in your marketing campaign will surely bring positive changes in your business.
