Posted On: Apr 22, 2016
Posted By: John Duff

Whoever reading this piece of content would agree themselves with the title themselves. It seems that the creativity required by marketers to generate that ‘X’ amount of leads has died somewhere and what we are left with is few tits and bits of sitcom marketing attempts. Moving forward a survey by BtoB magazine proves that so far as 2013 is concerned, lead generation remains the number one challenge, a bigger concern among 60% of the marketers. So what are other major concerns apart from lead generation, let’s discuss one by one.

Tracking – Lead In comings

While lead generation captures the major concern another area that marketers seem to fail is lead tracking. Most of the leads incoming have to be tracked periodically to know the major source of channel.

The primary objective of lead generation among B2Bs was improving the quality of leads (58 percent), followed by converting more leads to customers (55 percent). Fewer than half (42 percent) cared most about getting more leads, showing that for B2Bs, targeting the right people and companies is more important than getting as many prospect names as possible.

When it comes to measuring leads, the greatest percentage (42 percent) of B2Bs evaluated results across all major marketing channels, including email, offline events and mobile marketing. Of all channels,email marketing was the most effective B2B marketing technique,

Email Marketing – Increase conversions with booster databases

What provides the strong base for it, of course a trusted, well built, relevant database of contact lists. But that is not the end. You have to put it to a perfect use and not spam it away. Whether it’s tweeting, tagging or poking the truth that stays by is you got to have numbers. Why?

Because however compulsive your messages may sound, it is never able to prove 100% effective. Let’s take the case of email open rates; it’s never 100% only close to 25% if done very well. Unopened messages are scourage for B2B marketing, therefore be on the safer side and send emails to more people than you expect to respond.

Summing up where plenty of email addresses to target is a must having a cent percent accurate information about the mail lists is extremely important.