Posted On: Jan 08, 2016
Posted By: John Duff
Spring Cleaning Your Business Checklists to Do

Yes there are countless businesses that undergo change, and as with many aspects of life change is constant and it is only when we embrace it whole heartedly that our entire decision of accepting it in the first place seems absolutely right. But why spring cleaning? Its simple because sometimes you need to shake the dust loose and examine routine that have become habitual.

A detailed examination would give you a fair idea if there is any correction or improvement needed.

Checklists To Do:

Well spring cleaning businesses would definitely prevent you from working like an automaton and customers responding you the same way.


Check retention rate

If you have your presence in business of ongoing clients and noticing that retention rate has dropped, time has come to seriously evaluate customer service. You may begin by asking them to fill out client satisfaction form and work towards the pain areas.

Efficiency is Key

Letting go of someone may be hard, but unproductive employees can do more harm than good. Start evaluating everyone’s value in the firm and how efficiently are they using the available time and their potential.

Consider giving a Make over

Consider giving a visual makeover to the website or adding a new image, emphasizing that you are here to stay long.

Customer Relations

Revising customer lists

Customer information can quickly get weared out if people change address, email providers or their habits. Check the National Change of Address (NCOA) database to see if you still know where they live. Are the email addresses you have still good? When was the last time you heard from a customer?


Once you classify customers see if they have anything in common. Noticing patterns can help you identify other top customers. Can you think of some things to add to edge decent customers into the best performer category.


Get back to your Employees

You may know employees from one view, but those on the daily firing line are more likely to see things that might move forward to become tripping points. Make sure that you want to listen to bad news and that no one shall be hurt in the process

Compare External Environment

So analyze how your products and services compare to those of competitors. Get back to the question again as rivals may have improved their way on their end. Be objective and evaluate in details to save off your face.

Business partner plans

When was the last time you caught up with your business partner, vendors and suppliers and your distribution chain? Having conversation with the major players to see how relationship looks from their end and whether they are making moves that might affect your company.

Evaluate Expenses

It is also a good time now to evaluate phones, utilities, shipping and any other services that you have for your business. Is there any apt possible way to make changes in the same, and then apply it.

If you are in a transition period, there is no better excuse to get excited and start restructuring the business. Evaluate where you have come and what new opportunities, policies and services you can implement to improve your overall infrastructure.