
Conversion Rate Optimization Checklist

The conversion rate is a percentage of actual conversions calculated on the total number of visitors (to your website, social…

Data Cleansing Checklist

What is Data Cleansing? Data cleansing is the procedure of detecting corrupt data and removing them from the datasets. It…

Segmentation Statistics That Will Help Your Business

What is segmentation? Market segmentation is a classification of the target market into groups or segments according to common characteristics.…

20 Direct Mail Statistics You Should Know

Despite the increasing demand for digitization, one marketing channel has retained its significance, the mail. Direct mail marketing is a…

Different Types of Emails You Should Be Sending

From relying on basic text to incorporating visually engaging infographics, email marketing has come a long way. Even so, new…

Roadmap to Create a Perfect B2B Marketing Funnel [Infographic]

What is a B2B Marketing Funnel? Step-by-step strategy to attract and convert visitors Combination of SEO, paid ads and social…

11 Leading Email Marketing Tools Businesses Must Try [Infographic]

With the growth of businesses across the globe, it's important to revolutionize marketing efforts as well. Emails provide the exact…

25 Ways to Reduce Email Unsubscribe Rates [Infographic]

Even the best email marketing campaigns suffer from unsubscribes. You must refine your strategies to engage readers, retain them, and…

6 E-commerce Email Marketing Metrics to Measure Campaign Performance [Infographic]

How do you know if your email campaign is performing well? It’s possible if you have precise metrics to measure…

What Sentences to Avoid in Email Marketing?

Time and again, marketers send emails that don’t connect with customers. And why this happens? It’s due to instances where…