Email Marketing

6 E-commerce Email Marketing Metrics to Measure Campaign Performance [Infographic]

How do you know if your email campaign is performing well? It’s possible if you have precise metrics to measure…

What Sentences to Avoid in Email Marketing?

Time and again, marketers send emails that don’t connect with customers. And why this happens? It’s due to instances where…

The ground-reality of email marketing

Email marketing is the lifeline of the entire marketing strategy. This oldest form of marketing helps an organization achieve its…

Generate Leads in 2020 with Email and Direct Mail Marketing Methods

Do email and direct mail marketing strategy works concurrently? Yes! To tell you the truth – they can. Email and…

Email Marketing Automation Boosts Your ROI

Executing an email campaign is time-consuming. Especially, crafting and designing an email every day isn’t just sustainable. A right email…

Email Marketing: Use CRM and Marketing Automation for Better Results

It isn't surprising to know that your organization still uses email communication to share the data as well as bond…

Christmas Treat: Thomson Data Announces 25% Discount Plus $2019 off on B2B Lists

December 10, 2018 – Plano, Texas: Christmas and New Year is in full swing and no doubt, it is a…

Email List Segmentation: 7 Tips for More User Engagement

The email communication, known as the traditional digital channel, is utilized by industries worldwide to enhance their link with the…

Run A Successful Email Marketing Campaign Like A Pro

The motive of every company is to have a profitable business. So, they try to integrate new technologies into their…

Email Marketing Calendar: How To Plan And Track Your Campaigns

Every company loves to be at the top in the marketing world. They follow various strategies to stay ahead in…