July 30, 2013: How can we determine if someone is progressing – people follow, people copy or people imitate. Recent events of dubious emails sent out to clients, confidently borrows the fact of Thomson Data growing popularity.

Thomson Data, is a leading mailing list vendor recommended by industry professionals for custom mailing lists and direct marketing services. Possessing over a million database of leads list, the team within ensures that all requests are met within time and deliverability standards. It’s such unique service operations preached by Thomson Data that makes it stand apart, but not left vulnerable.

It’s difficult to copy, but not impossible. Rigorous scam emails requesting client adherence are sent frequently, shamelessly using a extended domain name of (www.thomsondata**.com). It’s a pure request directed to partners for being more vigilant towards mails asking for quote filling out any contact forms or any related queries. From our end, we are making sure that the offending events stop at early as possible without interrupting the service policies.

Thomson Data, is a registered U.S. based company with no allied international location. The domain name is www.thomsondata.com and all requests can be submitted to info@thomsondata.com, our complete physical mailing address is mentioned below:

Thomson Data LLC

8765, Stockard Drive, Unit 101
Frisco, Texas 75034
Phone : +1-800-385-8221
Email : sales@thomsondata.com

Kindly maintain caution while replying to any such emails, send out to you. ThomsonData was and can be identified only through www.thomsondata.com.

For more details, contact us today at sales@thomsondata.com

John Duff: