Categories: Article

So, again, you have to write a B2B blog post for your company website. And for that, there is nothing you won’t do to make it ‘the best’.

You will do all the research to identify the pain-points of your targeted customers. You will find the most suitable topic that could provide solutions to those pain-points. Then you will create a content piece that is driven by an updated customer-data. And of course, you will never forget to remarket it.

But, do you really think doing everything perfect like above will make all your readers interested in what you offer?

Hard to say! Isn’t it?

Your readers are the B2B customers that are not easy to convince. They are risk-averse, and they believe in extensive research before initiating a buying journey.

However, the good news is that you can easily convert the B2B readers of your blogs into qualified leads. All you need to do is to just look at blogging with a different perspective. Below are the 3 unique ways to tell you how to do it:

1. Pay attention to skim readers

Did you know that 43% of your readers, don’t read, just skim your blog posts? (Source: HubSpot)

In other words, not all the users are interested in reading a long blog post that is there on your website. So, let’s accept that you have a limited time-period to steal the attention of your readers.

Create blog posts that suffice the needs of the website visitors who come to skim your blog posts:

  • Break the blog post into small paragraphs, headings, and subheadings.
  • Give proper bulleted points, small points, and lists.
  • Highlight the points or sentences that you think can appeal to the readers the most.
  • Insert images, screenshots, videos, or GIFs to entice the readers for a long time and to explain the points better.

By applying these tactics to your blogs and other content-pieces, you can engage those skim readers better.

2. Insert Notification bars

A notification bar is a narrow bar placed at the top of your blog. This bar tells about any specific offer, a new event, or anything you want your readers to take through.

Notification bars like Hello Bars are not new, still very effective when it comes to lead generation and conversions. The best thing about these bars is that you can ask your readers to take a particular action without using the not-so-popular pop-ups.

Have a look at how Contently has done it:

3. Focus on CTAs

If you want your readers to take a particular action on your blog post, it’s simple! Just tell them to take it. CTA’s will help you do this.

Create compelling yet genuine call-to-actions that take the users to the ‘click’ button. You can do this in many ways.

  • One classic way is to insert a CTA at the bottom of the blog post:


(Source: HubSpot)

  • You can also add a CTA in the sidebar of your blog page:


(Source: Salesforce)

In fact, there are many ways to add CTAs to your blog posts and other pages of the website. All that you have to keep in mind is:

  • Which words to use?
  • Design and font of the CTA
  • Placing of the CTA

Give a try to these practices and convert your B2B blogs into qualified leads like never before!

Also read: Customer Service in B2B: 3 Biggest Challenges and How to Handle Them

John Duff: