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Holiday season is in and everybody is wondering to buy the best gift for their clients and customers for boosting B2B relationships. Gifts actually require a lot of brainstorming. Why? Coz, gifting a person depends on what stage or level the current relationship is, so as to sound not too desperate or too laid back. Picking out gifts that would fit into the budget, do not discriminate and boosts B2B relationships would require special skill and some thought over.

But to release your worries, let’s discuss some do’s and don’ts that would guide you through the buying process and foster strong bonding!!


1. Think beyond a tangible gift. A small thank you presentation expressing gratitude or taking that person out for lunch or a letter mentioning how they made a difference, would just light up someone’s day.

2. Surely check your organization’s policy of gifting. There are strict compliance policies in every company, so better check them before wrapping your surprise.

3. Have you ever tried homemade gifts? They could never go wrong. Homemade cookies, candles or certain market sold vintage items; anything could work for you, as it shows some consideration and thinking that has gone into the process.

4. A charitable gift can never get unnoticed. Recognizing and gifting a charitable reward to a charity in honour of a client or colleague would definitely be a part of your attempt to change the world and impress the target.


1. Do not gift someone at the early stage of your early relationship. Gifting mere suspects would make you sound just desperate.

2. Stay away from hyped, expensive and promotional gifts. Unless you are in a game to tangle a big fish, an expensive gift would sound more on the lines of bribe. Beware..

3. Don’t gift something that has the probability of hurting someone’s religious sentiments.

4. Select something that is not too personal. Gift items such as perfumes, clothing and jewellery should be avoided.

So, is your PR team ready with the list of your clients and industry hotspot that needs to be gifted for the season? Just follow the above trends and you are good to go!!

John Duff: