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B2B marketing is no less than gambling. It comes with unique challenges, but if it is done properly then rewards are not far away. Success doesn’t come instantly, that is for sure. That’s why it’s a wait and watch process where you have to go through mistakes and it’s your duty to understand and overcome with the mistakes.

Understanding you mistakes could only take you to the success. The following tips will definitely help you prepare strong marketing strategies.

No Formal Marketing Strategy

Before you embark on a B2B marketing campaign, it is crucial that you have a plan before you take the plunge. Every marketing campaign needs clear goals beforehand in order to judge that campaigns success, and B2B marketing is no exception. Without a formal marketing strategy, it can become very easy to waste marketing dollars on inefficient techniques. Make sure you have a plan, and then stick to it.

Marketing in the Wrong Places

In B2B marketing, it is crucial to market to the right people. Since so many B2B products are niche products, you can’t afford to market to any random person on the street. In marketing, this means going where your customers are. Choose marketing venues that will get you in front of the people who will actually buy from you, and if another venue doesn’t offer that, then don’t feel bad about turning it down.

Wrong Frequency Schedule

Frequency of your marketing messages is almost as important as choosing the right marketing venues. Test different frequencies to find out what works best for your customer base to make sure you aren’t turning people off of your products by bombarding them or, alternatively, by sending too infrequently.

Using Outdated Marketing Techniques

B2B marketing is one of those areas that is constantly evolving, and even tried-and-true marketing methods are applied in different ways than they used to be,(direct mail is a great example of this). Keep up-to-date on new techniques and repurposed, older techniques to make sure that your marketing methods don’t become stale.

Ignoring Existing Clients

Many businesses are so focused on new lead generation that they forget about their existing client base as a marketing tool. Not only is it important to keep existing clients happy so that they’ll continue purchasing from you; they can also be powerful assets when it comes to bringing in new business by referring friends and colleagues.

Forgetting About Branding

Sometimes businesses get so caught up in spurring engagement, they forget about their branding efforts. Now, don’t get me wrong engagement is great, but branding is still just as important! Continuous exposure to your target audience will go far for your B2B marketing efforts, even if engagement levels don’t always match your expectations.

John Duff: